During WWW trip, our 7th grade class has divided up to 7 groups about Berber, and I was in "Food" group. There are variety of Berber foods. For example, one of them is couscous or tagine. We were able to eat couscous and tagine during every dinner. In addition, we were able to ask Berber people about how to make traditional food of Berber. The recipe of couscous was pretty easy. You can follow these instructions: 1. Prepare variety of vegetable (carrots, pumkins). 2. Prepare meat (if you want). 3. Make couscous (corns) 4. Make vegetable & meat stew for sauce on top. 5. Put couscous on the bottom, then the meat, after the vegetables. 6. Let them be cooked in the fire for 15 mins.
One day, before our delicious dinner, we had an experience to make the bread that the Moroccan usually eat with tagine. We went to the second floor of Mr.Mohammed's house (our guide) and went to a large room but dark. There were three women who were making the breads. We turned about and made our bread. After we made enough doughs, we put our intices on the dough and let them be in the bread. The next morning, our teachers gave back our breads, however when I got mine, my intices were gone. I was pretty disappointed, yet was really amazed.
On the same day as we made our bread, we also pilled the piles of walnuts. Since, the village's pride was walnuts, many villagers has walnuts trees and the children pick them. The pile of walnut is green, but if you hit the nuts on the ground and rip the pile, the real walnuts comes out. We had to pill the piles on the roof, thus it was really hot. It was pretty hard for me, however I was able to handle. The disadventage of pilling walnuts is, when you pill too much, between your fingernails and your finger tips gets black. I had to wash it many times to get the black mark gone.
I enjoyed alot being with Mr.Mohammed and other groups during the trip. I'm glad that I went to this trip and I was fully satisfied. I was pleasure with all the food that the Berber made for us and you should also try eating Berber's traditional food!
On the same day as we made our bread, we also pilled the piles of walnuts. Since, the village's pride was walnuts, many villagers has walnuts trees and the children pick them. The pile of walnut is green, but if you hit the nuts on the ground and rip the pile, the real walnuts comes out. We had to pill the piles on the roof, thus it was really hot. It was pretty hard for me, however I was able to handle. The disadventage of pilling walnuts is, when you pill too much, between your fingernails and your finger tips gets black. I had to wash it many times to get the black mark gone.
I enjoyed alot being with Mr.Mohammed and other groups during the trip. I'm glad that I went to this trip and I was fully satisfied. I was pleasure with all the food that the Berber made for us and you should also try eating Berber's traditional food!